What I Learned From Crashing Brené Brown's Talk

Earlier this week, my husband virtually attended a conference. One perk of the conference-at-home experience was that when I heard the afternoon speaker was one of my author-crushes, Brené Brown, his event became MY invitation to CRASH IT. ⁣⁣
Much of Brené’s themes were familiar to anyone acquainted with her research and writing.  As she thoughtfully advocated for more vulnerability, connection, and empathy in the workplace (and with clients), I had a lot of head-nodding “Preach sister!” moments.⁣⁣
As the conversation turned to courage, I heard something that really struck me.   ⁣⁣
She said the origin of the word courage meant, “Tell the story of who you are with your whole heart.”  ⁣
I love this so much.  Mainly because I know how much I felt that I FAILED at courage when I thought of it as something that only CONFIDENT, HEROIC people do.⁣⁣
For so long, I believed that meaningful success would only come AFTER I gained mastery in something I wanted. So I waited  -  and hid out  - and regretted a lot.⁣⁣
Ever felt this way? Like your choices are either faking who you are/what you can do - or not going for it at all?⁣⁣
When I could NO LONGER STAND to wait for or regret things, I found my own courage.⁣⁣
I began to show up to opportunities, STILL nervous, excited, and also OPEN-HEARTED about who I was and what I had to offer.⁣ ⁣

My willingness to own exactly what I could and could not (yet) do, was liberating, opened doors, created connections, and provided the pathway to most of my successes.⁣⁣
What is something in your life that might succeed with more of YOU in it?  ⁣⁣
Maybe there’s a project or presentation that you feel less than qualified for or a work challenge that you have had problems solving.⁣⁣
What if instead of putting on the facade of what (you imagine) others want you to be, you experiment with this friendlier form of courage. How might that change the dynamic?  The relationship?  Or the outcome you want?⁣⁣

The next time you find yourself waiting for the stars to align, (or someone to give you permission) to create what you want, give YOURSELF permission to be who you are/right where you are, and go for it with open-hearted confidence.

Christina Hempstead