Watch Your Words

⁣Recently I have been thinking about my relationship to time and specifically, the language I use in reference to it.⁣ ⁣

There’s so much I set out to accomplish in each day, and I'm constantly challenging myself to have a better, more honest, and accountable relationship with my time.⁣

In reflecting on how I speak about time, here’s what I’ve noticed….⁣⁣

If I’m feeling behind, I might say time is FLYING or FLEETING - which can make it seem as if time is like a shooting star or jet that couldn’t possibly be caught. ⁣

Other times I may forget I’m in control and say, “IF TIME ALLOWS…” giving the illusion that time is a parental figure that may (or may not) deem a task worthy.⁣

Or maybe I’ll go into game-mode and see where I might FIND TIME - as if there may be some loose between the sofa cushions or at the bottom of my purse.⁣

At my wits' end, I may get aggressive and TAKE TIME. Seizing or stealing a moment for what I need.⁣

I’m amused by the way I reference and sometimes seem to blame time for the results and feelings I create with my days.⁣

Can you relate? ⁣

Do you feel in command of the quality and content of your time? Or do you find yourself at times, as I have, feeling frustrated or even defeated in your days?⁣

Maybe you work until all hours of the night in hopes that the following day will be magically all caught up - just to find that there is (surprise) more work to be done...and now you’re sleep-deprived.⁣

Perhaps you find yourself too often at a crazy pace, feeling Jekyll and Hyde-ish as you jump from YOUR priorities to the ones you think OTHERS are expecting.⁣

Although it may seem counter-intuitive, I have found the best way to recalibrate when I am not finding enough flow in my days, is to SLOW DOWN rather than speed up.⁣

When we slow down, we can also step back, gain perspective on all that is happening in our world and make new priorities about when we want to get things done, and how we want to FEEL in the doing of our work.⁣

If you want to feel lighter and less stressed in the course of your days, stop letting the hands of time pull you in two directions like a game of tug-of-war, and instead be more intentional about how time can serve you. ⁣

For me, this leads to a more honoring approach as I am then able to MAKE TIME. Like an artist or inventor, I create time intentionally and with purpose for the things I want to accomplish. ⁣

No hunting, scavenging, stealing or attempts to possess. Rather a creative endeavor that enables me to be more present to what is mine to do. ⁣

You might be thinking, “Sounds great, Christina but there are only so many hours in the day.” ⁣

That’s true. But when we approach those hours proactively vs. reactively it can make all the difference.⁣

No strategy is perfect in every day or situation, but the more conscious you are, the better you can move your mood (and to-do list) in the right direction.⁣

When focusing on a specific objective-⁣

  • Get it on your calendar and place yourself in a setting where you can get stuff done. ⁣

  • Reduce distractions (no jumping projects, checking email or social media, and maybe lock the door if you have kids).⁣

  • Give yourself a focused amount of time (even if it’s just 30-60 min) to show up and serve that task. ⁣

The next time you find yourself bargaining, beseeching, or cursing-out the clock, see if you can slow down and renegotiate the way you approach and respond to time. If you do, you may just find you're in better-relationship with yourself, your work, and all that you are putting out into the world.⁣⁣

Until next time….

Christina Hempstead