How To Get Yourself Into Action On A Goal
Last week I found myself sitting in a tiny un-air-conditioned coffee shop, in a tiny town outside of Lake Almanor, drinking hot beverages with my son and sweating my ass off in 95+ degree weather (with a mask on between sips) because my son got really clear on something he wants.
Like most of us, my son is usually way better at immediate gratification than delayed pay-offs.
He will always choose ice cream over vegetables, spending over saving, and screen time over ….well just about anything short of water activities on the lake.
But last week, while the rest of our family was swimming and boating in gorgeous Lake Almanor, we sat together in sweaty silence with his steaming hot chocolate(and my latte), so he can be doing exactly what he wants all next year.
You see my clever son realized midway through his freshman year of high school that he could have an additional elective of his choice his sophomore year if he committed to taking a required course over the summer.
He got so excited at the idea of the FREEDOM and JOY his elective would give him that he didn’t flinch at the short-term effort or discomfort needed to make it a reality.
So instead of regretting what he could have had next year, he will be EXPERIENCING what he wants. …and remembering the brief hot chocolate (and 5-week commitment to his online course) required to make it possible.
What is something you could do now that would let you have an outcome you want in the future?
Maybe there is a skill you want to gain or something you want to experience or create? If you are not clear on the actions you need to take, is there someone you can ask for help or perspective?
If you want to create something new in your life or work, focus on the VISION of all you will gain by accomplishing it - and let that COMPEL you into action.
Try this right now - take a few minutes to write down ALL THE WAYS achieving that goal will positively affect your life.
What will you gain?
How will you feel?
What will this enable you to accomplish?
What will you be able to let go of?
How will you be able to better serve others?
The next time you find yourself stalling on something you really want, play with getting really clear on all that you will gain from getting it done, and maybe you will feel a little less like you have to be PUSHED and more excitedly PULLED into action.